This is the complete list of members for SysLogHookImpl, including all inherited members.
attach() | commore::RefObject | virtual |
auto_create() | commore::RefObject | inlinestatic |
auto_create(const AChar *s) | commore::RefObject | inlinestatic |
bind() | commore::RefObject | inlinestatic |
bind(const AChar *s) | commore::RefObject | inlinestatic |
create() | commore::RefObject | inlinestatic |
create(const AChar *s) | commore::RefObject | inlinestatic |
factory_name() | commore::RefObject | inlinestatic |
get_cs() | commore::RefObject | virtual |
hook() | commore::LogHook | |
interface_release() | commore::RefObject | virtual |
is_activated() | commore::LogHook | |
LogHook() | commore::LogHook | |
message(const LogMessage &message) | SysLogHookImpl | inlinevirtual |
nested_attach() | commore::RefObject | virtual |
nested_release() | commore::RefObject | virtual |
notify_activated(bool activate) | SysLogHookImpl | inlinevirtual |
RefObject() | commore::RefObject | |
release() | commore::RefObject | virtual |
Run() | commore::RefObject | inlinevirtual |
SysLogHookImpl(const AChar *syslog_id, int facility) | SysLogHookImpl | inline |
unhook() | commore::LogHook | |
~LogHook() | commore::LogHook | |
~RefObject() | commore::RefObject | virtual |