commore  1.0.6-SNAPSHOT
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commore::Tuple Class Reference

#include <Tuple.h>


class  ConstValueIterator
class  Value
class  ValueIterator

Public Types

typedef ValuePValue

Public Member Functions

 Tuple (const AChar *class_name)
 Tuple (const Symbol &class_name)
 Tuple (const Tuple &tuple)
Tupleoperator= (const Tuple &tuple)
 operator bool ()
Tupleassign (const Tuple &tuple)
Tuplemerge (const Tuple &tuple)
Tuplemerge_only (const Tuple &tuple, const ListSymbol &atts)
Tuplemerge_except (const Tuple &tuple, const ListSymbol &atts)
Tuplesplice (Tuple &tuple)
Tuplediff (const Tuple &t1, const Tuple &t2)
void clear ()
bool is_a (Symbol class_name) const
AStringset_astring (const Symbol &att, const AChar *v)
AStringadd_astring (const Symbol &att, const AChar *v=0)
Stringset_string (const Symbol &att, const Char *v)
Stringadd_string (const Symbol &att, const Char *v=0)
StringBufferset_stringbuffer (const Symbol &att, const AChar *v)
StringBufferadd_stringbuffer (const Symbol &att, const AChar *v)
bool is_set (const Symbol &att) const
bool is_set (const Symbol &att, Types type) const
bool is_null (const Symbol &att) const
void set_null (const Symbol &att)
void clear (const Symbol &att)
void clear (const ListSymbol &att)
void keep (const ListSymbol &att)
void clear_list (const Symbol &att)
bool is_empty () const
AStringto_string (AString &s) const
AStringto_string (const AString &s=AString()) const
long from_string (const AString &s)
const Symbolget_class_name () const
void set_class_name (const Symbol &className)
void get_attributes (ListAString &l) const
long read (const CommBuffer &buf)
long write (CommBuffer &buf) const
long read_xml (IBStream &i)
long read_xml (XmlParser &i)
long write_xml (OBStream &o, const AChar *att=0) const
long write_xml (const Path &file_name) const
long read_xml (const Path &file_name)
long write_xml (StringBuffer &s) const
long read_xml (const StringBuffer &s)
AStringformat (const AChar *format, AString &s) const
long format (const AChar *format, OBStream &o) const
bool equal (const Tuple &tuple) const
int compare (const Tuple &t) const
const Symbolget_symbol (const Symbol &att) const
const Symbolget_psymbol (const Symbol &att) const
Symbolset_symbol (const Symbol &att)
Symbolset_symbol (const Symbol &att, const Symbol &v)
Symbolset_ref_symbol (const Symbol &att, Symbol &v)
const Symbolset_cref_symbol (const Symbol &att, const Symbol &v)
const ListSymbolget_list_symbol (const Symbol &att) const
const ListSymbolget_plist_symbol (const Symbol &att) const
ListSymbolset_list_symbol (const Symbol &att)
ListSymbolset_list_symbol (const Symbol &att, const ListSymbol &v)
ListSymbolset_ref_list_symbol (const Symbol &att, ListSymbol &v)
const ListSymbolset_cref_list_symbol (const Symbol &att, const ListSymbol &v)
Symboladd_symbol (const Symbol &att, const Symbol &v=Symbol())
Int get_int (const Symbol &att, Int pv=0) const
const Int * get_pint (const Symbol &att) const
Int & set_int (const Symbol &att)
Int & set_int (const Symbol &att, Int v)
Int & set_ref_int (const Symbol &att, Int &v)
const Int & set_cref_int (const Symbol &att, const Int &v)
const ListIntget_list_int (const Symbol &att) const
const ListIntget_plist_int (const Symbol &att) const
ListIntset_list_int (const Symbol &att)
ListIntset_list_int (const Symbol &att, const ListInt &v)
ListIntset_ref_list_int (const Symbol &att, ListInt &v)
const ListIntset_cref_list_int (const Symbol &att, const ListInt &v)
void add_int (const Symbol &att, Int v)
Bool get_bool (const Symbol &att, Bool pv=0) const
const Bool * get_pbool (const Symbol &att) const
Bool & set_bool (const Symbol &att)
Bool & set_bool (const Symbol &att, Bool v)
Bool & set_ref_bool (const Symbol &att, Bool &v)
const Bool & set_cref_bool (const Symbol &att, const Bool &v)
const ListBoolget_list_bool (const Symbol &att) const
const ListBoolget_plist_bool (const Symbol &att) const
ListBoolset_list_bool (const Symbol &att)
ListBoolset_list_bool (const Symbol &att, const ListBool &v)
ListBoolset_ref_list_bool (const Symbol &att, ListBool &v)
const ListBoolset_cref_list_bool (const Symbol &att, const ListBool &v)
void add_bool (const Symbol &att, Bool v)
Long get_long (const Symbol &att, Long pv=0) const
const Long * get_plong (const Symbol &att) const
Long & set_long (const Symbol &att)
Long & set_long (const Symbol &att, Long v)
Long & set_ref_long (const Symbol &att, Long &v)
const Long & set_cref_long (const Symbol &att, const Long &v)
const ListLongget_list_long (const Symbol &att) const
const ListLongget_plist_long (const Symbol &att) const
ListLongset_list_long (const Symbol &att)
ListLongset_list_long (const Symbol &att, const ListLong &v)
ListLongset_ref_list_long (const Symbol &att, ListLong &v)
const ListLongset_cref_list_long (const Symbol &att, const ListLong &v)
void add_long (const Symbol &att, Long v)
Float get_float (const Symbol &att, Float pv=0) const
const Float * get_pfloat (const Symbol &att) const
Float & set_float (const Symbol &att)
Float & set_float (const Symbol &att, Float v)
Float & set_ref_float (const Symbol &att, Float &v)
const Float & set_cref_float (const Symbol &att, const Float &v)
const ListFloatget_list_float (const Symbol &att) const
const ListFloatget_plist_float (const Symbol &att) const
ListFloatset_list_float (const Symbol &att)
ListFloatset_list_float (const Symbol &att, const ListFloat &v)
ListFloatset_ref_list_float (const Symbol &att, ListFloat &v)
const ListFloatset_cref_list_float (const Symbol &att, const ListFloat &v)
void add_float (const Symbol &att, Float v)
Double get_double (const Symbol &att, Double pv=0) const
const Double * get_pdouble (const Symbol &att) const
Double & set_double (const Symbol &att)
Double & set_double (const Symbol &att, Double v)
Double & set_ref_double (const Symbol &att, Double &v)
const Double & set_cref_double (const Symbol &att, const Double &v)
const ListDoubleget_list_double (const Symbol &att) const
const ListDoubleget_plist_double (const Symbol &att) const
ListDoubleset_list_double (const Symbol &att)
ListDoubleset_list_double (const Symbol &att, const ListDouble &v)
ListDoubleset_ref_list_double (const Symbol &att, ListDouble &v)
const ListDoubleset_cref_list_double (const Symbol &att, const ListDouble &v)
void add_double (const Symbol &att, Double v)
TimeDate get_time_date (const Symbol &att, TimeDate pv=0) const
const TimeDateget_ptime_date (const Symbol &att) const
TimeDateset_time_date (const Symbol &att)
TimeDateset_time_date (const Symbol &att, TimeDate v)
TimeDateset_ref_time_date (const Symbol &att, TimeDate &v)
const TimeDateset_cref_time_date (const Symbol &att, const TimeDate &v)
const ListTimeDateget_list_time_date (const Symbol &att) const
const ListTimeDateget_plist_time_date (const Symbol &att) const
ListTimeDateset_list_time_date (const Symbol &att)
ListTimeDateset_list_time_date (const Symbol &att, const ListTimeDate &v)
ListTimeDateset_ref_list_time_date (const Symbol &att, ListTimeDate &v)
const ListTimeDateset_cref_list_time_date (const Symbol &att, const ListTimeDate &v)
void add_time_date (const Symbol &att, TimeDate v)
TimePeriod get_time_period (const Symbol &att, TimePeriod pv=0) const
const TimePeriodget_ptime_period (const Symbol &att) const
TimePeriodset_time_period (const Symbol &att)
TimePeriodset_time_period (const Symbol &att, TimePeriod v)
TimePeriodset_ref_time_period (const Symbol &att, TimePeriod &v)
const TimePeriodset_cref_time_period (const Symbol &att, const TimePeriod &v)
const ListTimePeriodget_list_time_period (const Symbol &att) const
const ListTimePeriodget_plist_time_period (const Symbol &att) const
ListTimePeriodset_list_time_period (const Symbol &att)
ListTimePeriodset_list_time_period (const Symbol &att, const ListTimePeriod &v)
ListTimePeriodset_ref_list_time_period (const Symbol &att, ListTimePeriod &v)
const ListTimePeriodset_cref_list_time_period (const Symbol &att, const ListTimePeriod &v)
void add_time_period (const Symbol &att, TimePeriod v)
const AStringget_astring (const Symbol &att) const
const AStringget_pastring (const Symbol &att) const
AStringset_astring (const Symbol &att)
AStringset_astring (const Symbol &att, const AString &v)
AStringset_ref_astring (const Symbol &att, AString &v)
const AStringset_cref_astring (const Symbol &att, const AString &v)
const ListAStringget_list_astring (const Symbol &att) const
const ListAStringget_plist_astring (const Symbol &att) const
ListAStringset_list_astring (const Symbol &att)
ListAStringset_list_astring (const Symbol &att, const ListAString &v)
ListAStringset_ref_list_astring (const Symbol &att, ListAString &v)
const ListAStringset_cref_list_astring (const Symbol &att, const ListAString &v)
AStringadd_astring (const Symbol &att, const AString &v=AString())
const Stringget_string (const Symbol &att) const
const Stringget_pstring (const Symbol &att) const
Stringset_string (const Symbol &att)
Stringset_string (const Symbol &att, const String &v)
Stringset_ref_string (const Symbol &att, String &v)
const Stringset_cref_string (const Symbol &att, const String &v)
const ListStringget_list_string (const Symbol &att) const
const ListStringget_plist_string (const Symbol &att) const
ListStringset_list_string (const Symbol &att)
ListStringset_list_string (const Symbol &att, const ListString &v)
ListStringset_ref_list_string (const Symbol &att, ListString &v)
const ListStringset_cref_list_string (const Symbol &att, const ListString &v)
Stringadd_string (const Symbol &att, const String &v=String())
const StringBufferget_stringbuffer (const Symbol &att) const
const StringBufferget_pstringbuffer (const Symbol &att) const
StringBufferset_stringbuffer (const Symbol &att)
StringBufferset_stringbuffer (const Symbol &att, const StringBuffer &v)
StringBufferset_ref_stringbuffer (const Symbol &att, StringBuffer &v)
const StringBufferset_cref_stringbuffer (const Symbol &att, const StringBuffer &v)
const ListStringBufferget_list_stringbuffer (const Symbol &att) const
const ListStringBufferget_plist_stringbuffer (const Symbol &att) const
ListStringBufferset_list_stringbuffer (const Symbol &att)
ListStringBufferset_list_stringbuffer (const Symbol &att, const ListStringBuffer &v)
ListStringBufferset_ref_list_stringbuffer (const Symbol &att, ListStringBuffer &v)
const ListStringBufferset_cref_list_stringbuffer (const Symbol &att, const ListStringBuffer &v)
StringBufferadd_stringbuffer (const Symbol &att, const StringBuffer &v=StringBuffer())
const Blobget_blob (const Symbol &att) const
const Blobget_pblob (const Symbol &att) const
Blobset_blob (const Symbol &att)
Blobset_blob (const Symbol &att, const Blob &v)
Blobset_ref_blob (const Symbol &att, Blob &v)
const Blobset_cref_blob (const Symbol &att, const Blob &v)
const ListBlobget_list_blob (const Symbol &att) const
const ListBlobget_plist_blob (const Symbol &att) const
ListBlobset_list_blob (const Symbol &att)
ListBlobset_list_blob (const Symbol &att, const ListBlob &v)
ListBlobset_ref_list_blob (const Symbol &att, ListBlob &v)
const ListBlobset_cref_list_blob (const Symbol &att, const ListBlob &v)
Blobadd_blob (const Symbol &att, const Blob &v=Blob())
const Tupleget_tuple (const Symbol &att) const
const Tupleget_ptuple (const Symbol &att) const
Tupleset_tuple (const Symbol &att)
Tupleset_tuple (const Symbol &att, const Tuple &v)
Tupleset_ref_tuple (const Symbol &att, Tuple &v)
const Tupleset_cref_tuple (const Symbol &att, const Tuple &v)
const ListTupleget_list_tuple (const Symbol &att) const
const ListTupleget_plist_tuple (const Symbol &att) const
ListTupleset_list_tuple (const Symbol &att)
ListTupleset_list_tuple (const Symbol &att, const ListTuple &v)
ListTupleset_ref_list_tuple (const Symbol &att, ListTuple &v)
const ListTupleset_cref_list_tuple (const Symbol &att, const ListTuple &v)
Tupleadd_tuple (const Symbol &att, const Tuple &v=Tuple())
const ArrayIntget_array_int (const Symbol &att) const
const ArrayIntget_parray_int (const Symbol &att) const
ArrayIntset_array_int (const Symbol &att)
ArrayIntset_array_int (const Symbol &att, const ArrayInt &v)
ArrayIntset_ref_array_int (const Symbol &att, ArrayInt &v)
const ArrayIntset_cref_array_int (const Symbol &att, const ArrayInt &v)
const ListArrayIntget_list_array_int (const Symbol &att) const
const ListArrayIntget_plist_array_int (const Symbol &att) const
ListArrayIntset_list_array_int (const Symbol &att)
ListArrayIntset_list_array_int (const Symbol &att, const ListArrayInt &v)
ListArrayIntset_ref_list_array_int (const Symbol &att, ListArrayInt &v)
const ListArrayIntset_cref_list_array_int (const Symbol &att, const ListArrayInt &v)
ArrayIntadd_array_int (const Symbol &att, const ArrayInt &v=ArrayInt())
const ArrayLongget_array_long (const Symbol &att) const
const ArrayLongget_parray_long (const Symbol &att) const
ArrayLongset_array_long (const Symbol &att)
ArrayLongset_array_long (const Symbol &att, const ArrayLong &v)
ArrayLongset_ref_array_long (const Symbol &att, ArrayLong &v)
const ArrayLongset_cref_array_long (const Symbol &att, const ArrayLong &v)
const ListArrayLongget_list_array_long (const Symbol &att) const
const ListArrayLongget_plist_array_long (const Symbol &att) const
ListArrayLongset_list_array_long (const Symbol &att)
ListArrayLongset_list_array_long (const Symbol &att, const ListArrayLong &v)
ListArrayLongset_ref_list_array_long (const Symbol &att, ListArrayLong &v)
const ListArrayLongset_cref_list_array_long (const Symbol &att, const ListArrayLong &v)
ArrayLongadd_array_long (const Symbol &att, const ArrayLong &v=ArrayLong())
const ArrayFloatget_array_float (const Symbol &att) const
const ArrayFloatget_parray_float (const Symbol &att) const
ArrayFloatset_array_float (const Symbol &att)
ArrayFloatset_array_float (const Symbol &att, const ArrayFloat &v)
ArrayFloatset_ref_array_float (const Symbol &att, ArrayFloat &v)
const ArrayFloatset_cref_array_float (const Symbol &att, const ArrayFloat &v)
const ListArrayFloatget_list_array_float (const Symbol &att) const
const ListArrayFloatget_plist_array_float (const Symbol &att) const
ListArrayFloatset_list_array_float (const Symbol &att)
ListArrayFloatset_list_array_float (const Symbol &att, const ListArrayFloat &v)
ListArrayFloatset_ref_list_array_float (const Symbol &att, ListArrayFloat &v)
const ListArrayFloatset_cref_list_array_float (const Symbol &att, const ListArrayFloat &v)
ArrayFloatadd_array_float (const Symbol &att, const ArrayFloat &v=ArrayFloat())
const ArrayDoubleget_array_double (const Symbol &att) const
const ArrayDoubleget_parray_double (const Symbol &att) const
ArrayDoubleset_array_double (const Symbol &att)
ArrayDoubleset_array_double (const Symbol &att, const ArrayDouble &v)
ArrayDoubleset_ref_array_double (const Symbol &att, ArrayDouble &v)
const ArrayDoubleset_cref_array_double (const Symbol &att, const ArrayDouble &v)
const ListArrayDoubleget_list_array_double (const Symbol &att) const
const ListArrayDoubleget_plist_array_double (const Symbol &att) const
ListArrayDoubleset_list_array_double (const Symbol &att)
ListArrayDoubleset_list_array_double (const Symbol &att, const ListArrayDouble &v)
ListArrayDoubleset_ref_list_array_double (const Symbol &att, ListArrayDouble &v)
const ListArrayDoubleset_cref_list_array_double (const Symbol &att, const ListArrayDouble &v)
ArrayDoubleadd_array_double (const Symbol &att, const ArrayDouble &v=ArrayDouble())
bool match (const AString &pattern, IBStream &source)
bool match (const AString &pattern, const AString &source)
bool match (const AString &pattern, IBStream &source, AChar esc)
bool match (const AString &pattern, const AString &source, AChar esc)
bool operator== (const Tuple &t) const
bool operator!= (const Tuple &t) const
bool operator< (const Tuple &t) const
bool operator> (const Tuple &t) const


class ValueIterator
class ConstValueIterator

Detailed Description

A tuple is composed of a list of Value, ordered by their names' symbol. For the user, a tuple is composed of attributes, named and typed. Each attribute value can be accessed by its attribute name. A Tuple can also have a class name (a symbol), which has no general meaning.

/examples/coding/Listener.cpp, /examples/coding/Logs.cpp, and /examples/coding/Sender.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

commore::Tuple::Tuple ( const AChar *  class_name)

Crreate a tuple with a class name

commore::Tuple::Tuple ( const Symbol class_name)

Crreate a tuple with a class name

Member Function Documentation

AString & commore::Tuple::add_astring ( const Symbol att,
const AChar *  v = 0 

Add a nul terminated string value to a list of string value

attattribute name
String & commore::Tuple::add_string ( const Symbol att,
const Char *  v = 0 

Add a nul terminated unicode string value to a list of unicode string value

attattribute name
StringBuffer & commore::Tuple::add_stringbuffer ( const Symbol att,
const AChar *  v 

Add a nul terminated string value to a list of text value

attattribute name
Tuple& commore::Tuple::assign ( const Tuple tuple)

Assign tuple content with an other tuple

void commore::Tuple::clear ( )

Clear tuple content

void commore::Tuple::clear ( const Symbol att)

Clear tuple value

void commore::Tuple::clear ( const ListSymbol att)

Clear a list of tuple value

void commore::Tuple::clear_list ( const Symbol att)

Clear the values ​​whose names are in the list att

int commore::Tuple::compare ( const Tuple t) const

Compare XML representations of tuple

Tuple& commore::Tuple::diff ( const Tuple t1,
const Tuple t2 

Merge in current tuple the difference of t1 and t2

bool commore::Tuple::equal ( const Tuple tuple) const
true if current tupe equel tuple
AString& commore::Tuple::format ( const AChar *  format,
AString s 
) const

Write content of tuple in string using format specification. Insert sequence : "%(<ATT_NAME>)"

long commore::Tuple::format ( const AChar *  format,
OBStream o 
) const

Write content of tuple to stream using format specification. Insert sequence : "%(<ATT_NAME>)"

long commore::Tuple::from_string ( const AString s)

Read tuple from xml string

void commore::Tuple::get_attributes ( ListAString l) const

Get value name list

const Symbol& commore::Tuple::get_class_name ( ) const
tuple class name
const Symbol & commore::Tuple::get_symbol ( const Symbol att) const

get_<type> : get the value of an attribute by its name. A default value is returned if the attribute for this type is not defined get_p<type> : get the reference value of an attribute by its name. A null value is returned if the attribute for this type is not defined set_<type>(symbol) : set an attribute : if it already exists, do nothing. Else, create the attribute with a default value. set_<type>(symbol, value) : set the value of an attribute, whether it already exists or not. set_ref_<type>(symbol, value) : set the value of an attribute, with a reference whether it already exists or not. set_cref_<type>(symbol, value) : set the value of an attribute, with a const reference whether it already exists or not. add_<type> : for lists only : append the value to the list

bool commore::Tuple::is_a ( Symbol  class_name) const
true if tuple class name equal class_name
bool commore::Tuple::is_empty ( ) const
true if tuple is empty
bool commore::Tuple::is_null ( const Symbol att) const
true if value with att name does not exist in tuple
bool commore::Tuple::is_set ( const Symbol att) const
true if a value with att name exists in tuple
bool commore::Tuple::is_set ( const Symbol att,
Types  type 
) const
true if a value with att name and with specified type exists in tuple
void commore::Tuple::keep ( const ListSymbol att)

Clear tuple values ​​whose names are not in att

bool commore::Tuple::match ( const AString pattern,
IBStream source 

Match content of source with pattern and assign result to tuple. pattern is a string where place holder sequences have the format "%(<ATT_NAME>[:<TYPE>])" TYPE can be 's' for string or 'i' for int Default is s ATT_NAME is the tuple attribute name where result is stored.

Tuple& commore::Tuple::merge ( const Tuple tuple)

Merge content of tuple into curent tuple Each value in tuple are inserted in current tuple

Tuple& commore::Tuple::merge_except ( const Tuple tuple,
const ListSymbol atts 

Merge content of 'tuple' into curent tuple Except values from atts list.

tuplesource tuple to merge with
attsexcept symbol list
Tuple& commore::Tuple::merge_only ( const Tuple tuple,
const ListSymbol atts 

Merge only tuple values from atts list

tuplesource tuple to merge with
attsonly symbol list
commore::Tuple::operator bool ( )
true if not empty
bool commore::Tuple::operator== ( const Tuple t) const

Compare XML representations of tuple

long commore::Tuple::read ( const CommBuffer buf)

Read tuple from CommBufer

long commore::Tuple::read_xml ( IBStream i)

Read tuple from xml text stream

long commore::Tuple::read_xml ( const Path file_name)

Read tuple from xml file

long commore::Tuple::read_xml ( const StringBuffer s)

Read tuple from xml text

AString & commore::Tuple::set_astring ( const Symbol att,
const AChar *  v 

Set a nul terminated string value

attattribute name
void commore::Tuple::set_class_name ( const Symbol className)

Set tuple class name

void commore::Tuple::set_null ( const Symbol att)

Clear tuple value

String & commore::Tuple::set_string ( const Symbol att,
const Char *  v 

Set a nul terminated unicode string value

attattribute name
StringBuffer & commore::Tuple::set_stringbuffer ( const Symbol att,
const AChar *  v 

Set a nul terminated text value

attattribute name
Tuple& commore::Tuple::splice ( Tuple tuple)

Move content of 'tuple' to current tuple. 'tuple' is cleared

tuplesource tuple. its content will be moved to *this
AString& commore::Tuple::to_string ( AString s) const

Convert tuple to xml string

AString& commore::Tuple::to_string ( const AString s = AString()) const

Convert tuple to xml string

long commore::Tuple::write ( CommBuffer buf) const

Write tuple in CommBufer

long commore::Tuple::write_xml ( OBStream o,
const AChar *  att = 0 
) const

Write tuple to xml text stream

attvalue name
long commore::Tuple::write_xml ( const Path file_name) const

Write tuple to xml file

long commore::Tuple::write_xml ( StringBuffer s) const

Write tuple to xml text

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: